Sustainability: From Theory to Practical Application

Sustainability – Theory & Practice Everywhere I have travelled or lived, I have always tried to understand the place, the history, and the people. When I visited Cuba a few years back, I talked to locals about the revolution, the Castros, Che Guevara,...

Pension schemes: ode to our ideals

A few months back, I attended a Responsible Investment Roundtable with a range of industry participants. The event was hosted by an investment manager with the purpose of discussing the implementation of responsible investment polices. They were looking to highlight...

Responsible Investing: A Philosophical Journey

*This article featured in the Summer Magazine published by Irish Association of Pension Funds. It  is a snapshot of my journey into the world of responsible investing, something that truly  began when I left my role as Head of Investing Consulting in Dublin, Ireland...

Stewardship, the missed opportunity!

Missed Opportunity The 2018 Global Pension Assets Study published by the Thinking Ahead Institute of Willis Towers Watson, one of the leading providers of investment consultancy services to corporate pension schemes globally, reported six key findings from 20 years of...

Considering the IMPACT of your investments

Workshop Summary The main objective of this workshop is to challenge the thinking on how we consider the long-term impact of investments when developing investment strategies. The format will be aimed at promoting discussion and debtate around this theme. Trustees...

Impact Investment: intention is not enough

“For me, the impact revolution is going to be as pervasive as the tech revolution has been.” – Sir Ronald Cohen We are all students. If you are not learning something new in your field then you are going backwards. Despite having over 12 years of investment...